Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS)
What is EDS?
Ehlers Danlos syndrome is a genetic disorder often characterized by joint hypermobility and skin hyper extensibility. This disorder is found in one in every 5 to 10,000 people. Patient that suffer from EDS often have frequent dislocations and subluxations. Moreover, this joint hypermobility can lead to early onset osteoarthritis. If a patient is suspected to have EDS during examination, we will use a test called Bighton score.
Passive dorsiflexion and hyperextension of the fifth MCP joint be on 90°.
Passive a position of the sun to the flexor aspect of the forearm.
Passive hyper extension of the elbow beyond 10°.
Passive hyperextension of the knee beyond 10°.
Active forward flexion of the trunk with the knees, fully extended so that the palms of the hands rest flat on the floor.
A positive test for hyper mobility is the score of five out of nine for adults and six out of nine for children
If the patient test positive for Titans score, they make referred to a geneticist for correct diagnosis.
What Does EDS Cause?
Hypermobility of the extremity and spinal joints can often result in early onset Osteoarthritis or possible labral tears. Patient often respond well to specific manual therapy and stabilization training. At our clinic we specialize in extremity and spinal stability programs that have been clinically shown to lessen joint pain.
Ehlers Danlos Syndrome is a complex disorder and we take your full health situation into account when coming up with your treatment plan, which can include:
Braces to prevent further joint dislocations
In-office rehabilitation
Exercises to strengthen muscles
Exercises to stabilize joints
Motor skill training to help with pain